Tips for first time buyers

Buying a home could be the biggest purchase of one’s life, and arguably the most nerve-wrecking. The good news is you’re not alone. For many Floridians who wish to make a purchase for the first time, they feel the same. In light of that, we gathered a few tips in order to help with the experience of not only buying a house, but also buying a home.

Set a budget

Before looking for a home, a budget has to be set. This makes all the difference when it comes to being a property owner, or losing it through a foreclosure. Know how much you can afford based on your income, interest rate, and debts. Also keep in mind that a good credit score will help lower interest rates.

Stop by periodically

Drive by at different times of the day and week. Do this in order to have an idea of what it will be like living there. If possible stop by morning, noon, evening, and night. With this tactic, you’ll be able to see how much traffic flows through that particular area, and if the neighbors are going to be an issue. This could help avoiding some unpleasant surprises.


Keeping unpleasant surprises in mind, have an inspection and a sketch done. An inspection will help with negotiations, and give you peace of mind in knowing what you bought exactly. For example; If the inspection reports that there is an issue with the property, now you have leverage to lower the price. On the other hand a sketch will help prevent a border dispute. it will also help you know where your property limits are.

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Alvarez Law Group

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