After filing an insurance claim, an insurance company expects an insured to follow the post loss obligations that are set out in the insurance policy. Post loss obligations are conditions that the insured must perform after they have experienced damage to their property. Typically, an insurance company will also expect an insured to provide photographs of the property before the damage.
In most policies there is a section similar to the section below:
Insureds may cooperate with their insurance company as they investigate the claim by providing photographs of the property before the damage and the property after the damage. Having before and after photos allows your insurance company to gain an understanding of the damage that has occurred, which in turn will help them determine the total cost of your claim.
Dealing with filing an insurance claim after a disaster can be overwhelming, therefore it is important that as a homeowner you are prepared. Having photographs that depict your property before any damage will help your insurance claim process!
If you need assistance with your insurance claim, schedule a consultation with the experienced attorneys at Alvarez Law Group today. Call us at (786) 620-2820 or email to schedule a consultation.
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